

We were the ones to receive an order for the corporate website development of Budivelnyk, the major repair-building company. The opening work phase lied on getting acquainted with company’s operation process, management communications, and studying the building market sector in the whole. Going straight into website development, we worked towards emphasizing the most important information for potential partners, such as experience, advances and achievements of the company, its legitimacy and high status. On the website you can find detailed description of all kinds of provided works, and finished projects, licenses and certificates, which allows to assess all cooperation opportunities and prospects.

The website design was developed according to the company’s brand book style. Strict polygonal style with geometrical elements specifies building theme in the best way possible. To spark the interest and keep a customer on the website, the company’s activity key information is summarized on the main page. Extended information about the company, the services, projects and clients can be found in various section in short and structured form. The website has been translated into three languages.

During the work on this project, next tasks were implemented:

  • Getting acquainted with company’s operation specifics;
  • Creating the website design and structure shape;
  • Modules and functional elements development;
  • Localization into three languages.


IgraSans Roboto

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